Judul Artikel : Jenis-jenis Software SEM
Artikel : Jenis-jenis Software SEM
Jenis-jenis Software SEM
Jenis-jenis Software SEM.
No | Nama Software | Penemu |
1 | AMOS(Analysis of Moment Structures) | Arbuckle |
2 | CALIS(Covaiance Analysis and Linear structural Equations) | Hartman |
3 | COSAN | Fraser |
4 | EQS(Equations) | Bentler |
5 | GSCA (Generalized Structural Component Analysis) | Hwang dan Tukane |
6 | LISCOMP(Linear Structural Equations with Comprehensive Measurement Model) | Muthen |
7 | LISREL(Linear Structural Relationship) | Karl G. Joreskog and Dag Sorbon |
8 | LVPLS | Lahmoller |
9 | MECOSA | Arminger |
10 | MPLUS | Muthen and Muthen |
11 | TETRAD | Glaymour, Scheines, Spirtes dan Kelly |
12 | SMART PLS | Ringle, Wende dan Will |
13 | VISUAL PLS | Fu, Park |
14 | WARP PLS | Kock |
15 | SPAD PLS | Test and Go |
16 | REBUS PLS | Trinchera dan Epozito Vinci |
17 | XLSTAT | Addinsoft Country: France |
18 | NEUSREL | Buckler |
19 | PLS GRAPH | Chin |
20 | PLS GUI | Li |
21 | RAM | Mc Ardle dan McDonald |
22 | RAMONA(Recticular Action Model or Near Approximation) | Browne dan Mels |
23 | SEPATH(SEM and Path Analysis) | Steiger |
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